Mrs. Amanda's Class

Learning Explorations

Battles of the Civil War


Using this website on Battles of the Civil War create a battle book following the circle book instructions given in class and include these things on each page.

Page 1- Include the name, date, location, and map of the battle.

Page 2- Summarize the battle.

Page 3- Report on a famous person who took part in the battle.

Page 4- Design a monument for the battlefield. Draw a picture and explain the significance of the design.


The Malignant Fever Strikes the Heart of Our Country


After reading Chapter 5- “It was our Duty” in An American Plague, I want you to create a headline for each chapter that you have read so far. Write a short “news story” to accompany the headline. Based on what we have read about the economy during this time, create an advertisement for your newspaper. We will add a new article for each chapter of the book.

In your vocabulary workstation, create a table with the headings: word, part of speech, definition, synonym, antonym in Google Docs. Use this website to find the information for each vocabulary word from An American PlagueMerriam-Webster Dictionary. When you finish, be sure to move the document to your folder.
Vocabulary Words: pestilence, scrupulousness, malicious, conspiring, valiantly, ingenuity, daunting, condemned, quinine, and exorbitant

Preview Fever 1793. Be prepared to discuss these questions.
1. Look at both books and compare the title and subtitle of each chapter.
2. How are they similar? Why do you think the authors chose include a quote from a first-hand account?
3. Why do you think Anderson began each chapter with a date? Does Murphy include dates at the beginnings of his chapters?
4. Anderson wrote Fever 1793 as a journal, what does this tell you about the story before you begin reading?
5. Having read An American Plague, does it seem that Anderson conducted research before writing her story? What does that tell us about the genre of the book?

Riverwood at JABiztown!


They had jobs, they worked hard (so did the parents that went with us, THANK YOU SO MUCH!), they got paid, they balanced their checkbooks, and they paid off their bank loans. Outstanding job fifth graders! Please share your experience with us. Here are some pictures taken throughout our day.

JABiztown Rocks! on PhotoPeach

United States Civil War Historians


Our class created non-fiction books all about the Civil War. The books included several chapters or articles that explained the events that led to the Civil War, major players of the Civil War, details of major battles, laws that changed our country forever, events that led to the end of the war, and the reconstruction of our country. Some of these books were amazing and worthy of sharing!!
Civil War Books on PhotoPeach

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