Mrs. Amanda's Class

Learning Explorations

The History of Fall Traditions in America


There are a number of odd fall traditions celebrated by Americans.

Use these websites to explore the history of several different activities Americans participate in during the fall.

Here are some questions to guide your exploration:

  • How did the tradition begin? How did it originate?
  • What is the big idea and essential details needed to understand this tradition?
  • What factors contributed to its popularity?
  • How have the traditions changed over time?
  • If there were several contributing factors, how did the ideas converge to create the tradition?
  • Are there any similar traditions in other countries that parallel American traditions?
  • Are there any other fall traditions that should be included below?

Have fun exploring!

The History of the Corn Maze

Why is election day always a Tuesday in November?

Bobbing for Apples

Pumpkin Facts
History of Pumpkins
The History of the Pumpkin Carving

Candy Corn

Why do we trick or treat?

The History of Halloween from
The History of Halloween from

What is Nanowrimo?


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