Mrs. Amanda's Class

Learning Explorations

Progressives Project


Progressives Project Menu
Directions: Choose projects from the list below. You must complete projects totaling to 100 points.
You may use your textbook, the reference books in the classroom, and the Internet (be sure to use reliable sources) to help you complete your project(s).

All projects are due February 3rd. All projects completed on the computer must be printed or emailed to your teacher.

100 point projects:
• Write a 3 page informational article on Progressives. This should include headings, sub-headings, and pictures.
• Create a children’s storybook that has at least 10 pages with story and pictures to explain the Progressives. Must be colored.
• Create a newspaper from the Progressive Era that has at least 5 articles explaining the reforms taking place and who is responsible for each, must also include pictures with captions, and at least 2 advertisements pertaining to a reform taking place.

75 point projects:
• Create an informational brochure with information on all 6 panels and includes pictures.
• Create a PowerPoint presentation that has at least 8 slides with pictures and information on each slide.
• Design a tri-fold poster with information and pictures.

50 point projects:
• Create a test over the Progressives that includes at least 25 questions and an answer key.
• Design a board game that tests the players’ knowledge on Progressives.
• Create a comic strip with at least 6 panels that gives information on the Progressives. Must be colored.

25 point projects:
• Create a collage (with at least a two-paragraph description explaining how the art relates to the Progressives)
• Create a test over Progressives that includes at least 10 questions and an answer key.
• Write a journal entry as a citizen during the Progressive Era and explain the movements and who is responsible for the reforms taking place?

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